Sunday, November 20, 2011


   It's that time of year again.  The time of year when my mother and I mercilessly harass each other with a small, dollar store, ceramic moose figurine.  If this seems at all ridiculous, read an earlier post that I wrote a while back explaining "moosing" in some detail.

    I feel sort of bad because last year there was not a whole lot of moosing going on between my Mom and I because I was a bit preoccupied with various personal things, and our tradition sort of fell by the wayside.  I realize now that I was letting things that were very important to me slip away in the name of something new and exciting, but the new and exciting isn't always what it's cracked up to be.  It is very important that you keep special traditions alive, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.  I've learned that over this past year.  When the new and exciting doesn't mesh with the old and traditional, then perhaps there is a problem.  I am not willing to let a special (albeit insane) tradition with my Mom slip away, and I feel that last year, I was too close to forgetting what was important.  There are certain things in life that cannot be replaced, and should not be forgotten, and for me, moosing is one of those things.

   So with that lesson learned, and a renewed vengeful spirit to have the ultimate moose prank this year, I am planning early.  Moosing is fair game from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day, and since it takes a plane ride for my Mom and I to be together, then my prank time is limited to the days I will be in Nashville visiting for Thanksgiving, and the three days that I'll be there again for Christmas. 

    Naturally, I cannot divulge my evil plans here, as the enemy (my Mom) is a reader, and we cannot ruin the element of surprise.  But consider this your warning, Mother.  I am heading down to Nashville fully armed with all kinds of sneaky tricks up my sleeve.  Beware.  You never know where the moose will reveal himself.  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!